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Menyelinap dan menggetarkan.


Efisiensi dan akselarasi.


Serba tak terduga.


Kiat untuk menarik perhatian.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Art of Using Humor in Public Speaking (Part 1)

 by Anthony L. Audrieth

Introduction to the Art of Using Humor in Public Speaking

The Art of Using Humor in Public Speaking is just that. It is an art, not to be taken lightly, but to be applied with great care. Your audience will judge your presentation, regardless of your use of humor. If you can entertain while teaching, then all the better. If you use humor poorly however, you can do irreparable damage to your cause. In other words, poorly handled humor in a presentation can damage or destroy your credibility.
Using humor in public speaking can be very beneficial, both for the audience and the presenter. Heaven knows how deeply rooted cynicism is today in our culture. We are bombarded by negatives at every turn. A speaker who can effectively use humor to engage and entertain their audience possesses a valuable gift. You will be appreciated for providing heartfelt laughter; laughter that has therapeutic effects on listeners. And you will be remembered, talked about; your reputation as a truly great speaker will be enhanced and spread about.