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Monday, August 09, 2010

Taking Your Humor To The Next Level

ASL in familyImage via Wikipedia
A dozen ways to improv your humor talents.
Here are some specific things you can do to sharpen your humor skills: To see the humor around you and to deliver it from the platform with punch.

   1. Toastmasters clubs are the best place to work on your observational humor skills. They provide you a weekly laboratory to hone your skills helping you see the funny stuff around you. Give yourself the assignment of always creating at least one piece of observational humor by the end of every meeting. Through practice, I've found that I can normally create about 10 pieces of observational humor in a two-hour meeting.

Humor and Diversity

President George W. Bush meets with the leader...Image via Wikipedia
Things to consider when using humor touching on diversity and minority groups.

   1. When is it safe to use humor pointed at diverse groups? There is no clear cut answer. But here are some thoughts on the subject.

   2. Diversity is everywhere you look. Our society is abundantly diverse. And, normally, so are your audiences. Catholics, bi-sexuals, physically challenged, heavy people, tall people, old people, women, Southerners, rich people, Hispanics, blue collar workers. And then there are people who are none of the above. This list reflects only a small portion of the vast diversity in our society.